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Energy Healing | Herbal Remedies | Coaching | 

Heal, Transform and Break Free


Iwe - means 'Knowledge' in the West African Yoruba language.


The Ancestors and Spirit provide us all with an Inner knowledge....


Your team carries all the knowledge you need to heal your mind, body, and spirit.


Healing women, is healing for ALL. We carry the portal of life in our wombs! Choose to heal from within by remembering the knowledge from our ancestors and watch the MAGIC unfold in our communities.


Join the Her Inner Healing Community today, and journey with other women who are dedicated to radically transforming their lives in 90 days! Key features are an intracellular herbal cleanse, guided fitness and motivation, and receive training in a healing modality to heal yourself and others. Start living a vibrant and free life, overflowing with health, peace of mind, and healing today! Learn more, by clicking on the Her Inner Healing Community button below.


Notice: Currently, we are not accepting clients in the community. Sign-up for our mailing list to be notified when enrollment re-opens!!







My name is Michelle Ikem,

I am a Reiki Master and Teacher, TCM and Acupuncture Student, Intuitive, and Empowerment Coach. I want to personally welcome you to this sacred space of wholeness!

I walk alongside women to energetically release dis-ease, wounds, and trauma. So they can manifest PEACE, HEALING and RECLAIM their POWER!


For 10 + years, I have been working with the collective to address their mental health, spiritual and wellness goals.  Over that time, I have been able to craft and gather various tools, resources and knowledge that have been tried and proven to holistically support people at any place they find themselves on life's journey. 


I've come to realize that wholeness does not exist when we are apart from Spirit and our ancestors (i.e. your team)! Therefore, aligning to our team, and light energy, we truly begin to awaken from within! I work with my clients holistically, addressing their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs through the use of herbs, energy work, and coaching so they truly have long lasting shifts in their lives.


My clients are able to break unwanted patterns, gain peace from trauma, receive messages from their guides, manifest dreams, overcome limiting beliefs, lose weight and so much more! You have access to these tools, products, resources and my support as you reclaim your health and power!


I look forward to working with you.


Always with love,

Michelle Ikem




Meet Michelle

What's Holding You Back?

Michelle's "Intuitive Reiki" healing method will work with your guides to help you release trauma, balance your energy centers and get to the root of what is holding you back from your breakthrough! Choosing to join the Her Inner Healing Community will give you the guidance and tools to transform your life through Michelle's unique healing process that addresses all dimensions of life!

Activate Personal Wellness

Due to cultural norms, socialization, religious shame, and programming we have become disconnected from Source and our Divine Feminine Power, to CREATE! Through the use of various modalities and signature coaching style, Michelle will help you to re-awaken from within, remember who you are and courageously walk as the divine creator you truly are

Awaken Inner Healing

Go beyond the physical and know that food and plants are all energy that provide fuel for the mind and body to function optimally. Work with Michelle through a comprehensive "Herbal Wellness Assessment" to identify stressors, inner blocks, and detrimental food choices that deplete your energy; she will guide you on how to open your energy centers, teach you how plants deepen your connection to Source and Gaia, and promote healing and abundance ALL through the healing power of herbal remedies
Why Holistic Healing?

Why Holistic Healing?

It can help with


There is a plant, herb, root, seed, flower or bark for every need of the mind, body, and spirit! We must return to Gaia and receive her healing and knowledge. Herbal remedies will support your chakra system, support you in remaining connected to the Divine Creator and so much more!

Akasha - "The Book of Life"

Open your heart to receive the support your need to follow your soul's path. Clear your energy field and raise your energy vibration to use your gifts and talents. Get to know who you are and what is your soul's purpose.


The standard American Diet is mucous and inflammation producing correlating with many of the diseases we see today. Naturally the body needs to cleanse, and this is done through the lymphatic system or also known as Shaoyang. 

The American standard diet tends to make this system sluggish, damp (mucous), turbid (sticky phlegm) which can lead to things like blood stasis that could cause growths, masses and much more. 

Focusing on eating yin and yang balanced diet, herbs, movement and more we can reverse years of dis-ease in the mind and body.

Women's Health
  • 1 in 6 women struggle with fertility problems

  • New data shows that women's health in pregnancy can determine whether the next generation experiences diabetes, allergies, autism and more

  • Millions of women suffer from endometriosis, fibroids, PMS, menopausal problems

  • Over 10% of women have PCOS - which carries the same risks as heart disease as diabetes

  • More medications have severe side-effects and plenty have not been tested on women

It is important to know that all physical dis-ease is tied to a spiritual explanation. Holistic healing allows you to address every dimension that is necessary for healing.

Weight-Loss & Stress Reducing

Herbs support every system of the body; and can balance and regulate hormone levels which support weight-loss.


There are hundreds of herbs that are adaptogenic - meaning they help the body respond to stress effectively.


Uses the universal life force to help clear, balance, heal and consecrate our energy centers. This modality brings profound insight and healing when combined in a holistic model. Some benefits are promotes natural self healing, better sleep, brings on a meditative state, release unwanted energy, increased life force, tapping into the Akasha, relieves pain, anxiety, depression and so much more.


“I received a distance Akashic Reiki Healing session from Michelle. Michelle is gifted in connecting with the inner soul of the client. She understands the inner soul work that needs to be done. She literally saw and channeled messages that I received through my dream state. She shared personal space with me through distance healing and I felt my emotional outlook transform during our energy clearing. The only catch with Michelle, is she will hold you accountable to the follow-up work that is required for your soul's journey. I am on it, Michelle!”

— Tashyra H

Services/Energy Healing


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